SkillZone is a progressive playspace in Southeast DC offering Montessori-based learning opportunities for young children in an adult-friendly setting. 17/27 executed the buildout for the venue, which includes an open play area and a focused learning hub for children as well as parent-friendly perks like USB ports, laptop tables, and a coffee station. Incorporating playful details like a timed, LED-lit music system, 17/27 created a lively environment flexible enough to support transitional programming and functional areas.

Since its creation, SkillZone has expanded to encompass family-focused services under overarching brand Elemeno. As part of this evolution, ownership tapped 17/27 to develop a concept for an after-hours coworking space one floor above SkillZone with TV monitors enabling parents to supervise their children’s play. 17/27’s concept includes phone booths, desks, conferencing space, and a kitchenette as well as whimsical design details that tie the space to SkillZone.

Images courtesy of SkillZone

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